The light at the end of the bridge

Wouldn’t it just be nice to find that special light? That light that makes me wake up in the morning ready for a new day. Ready as in smiling, doing things that I love and being with people I love. That light that makes me see a reason for life being. That light that makesContinue reading “The light at the end of the bridge”

To get over hope is possible

but of course it takes time. Months, days, hours, minutes and certainly not to forget… seconds. Seconds that can seems as months…or at least hours. Waiting for a hope, only brings me short. Going for a hope, is also about taking a risk. Taking a risk, equals in worst case scenario failure or in awesome caseContinue reading “To get over hope is possible”

I said it before to you – now I do it myself

Do what I can with what I got where I am. What do I want to do now my life took a turnover? Well to be honest I don’t know. So I stick to what I have & what I know. …hehe. The closet is far from what I got. But last time I wasContinue reading “I said it before to you – now I do it myself”

Send more love

what is happening? why is a 17 year old guy bullied to suicide WHY?????   If you ever feel bullied or bad, turn your head to other places other people Turn your thoughts into happy thoughts, by either imagining  beautiful pictures or words in your mind. Think, feel, breath love. Even if it is difficult,Continue reading “Send more love”